In the event of an emergency call 999


During our SPARKS sessions, Year 4 students visited in their classrooms by our frontline firefighters. 

Safety advice is shared with youngsters, including hazards around the home, what to do in the event of a fire, the importance of escape plans and smoke alarms, and why it is vital that young people know their address to accurately tell an emergency call handler where an emergency is taking place. 

They are taught about hoax calling and the dangers of wasting emergency services’ time. 

Most importantly, they are advised how to ‘stop, drop and roll’, if they find themselves on fire and to get out, stay out, and call 999 if they are in a property on fire. 

Quick links


Lessons in community safety include protecting the public from a variety of potential harms, and developing students' fire safety skills.

Safety in Action

Year 5 students are taught how to stay safe in a fire by the Fire Safety team, including escape plans and how to travel through smoke.

Fire setting

Without help and guidance, fire setting can continue into adulthood and lead to more serious consequences, including serious injury.


StayWise supports teachers and community safety practitioners to deliver essential safety messages to children and young people.